Your company may have a worksite wellness program, an employee engagement program, a fitness facility, an EAP, and even a nap room but if you don’t get the 7-9 hours of continuous sleep that most adults need, then all that is just window dressing. B.S.
If you’re brave enough or if you’re represented by a union, then put this on the agenda. Frame it from a productivity, profitability and cost avoidance perspective probably not from a “our people are our #1 asset” perspective. Why? Most companies know how to talk the talk regarding workers, but they often do not actually mean what they say. Hopefully, your employer and your boss are different in a good way. Sleep worker are less productive, less profitable, make more mistakes, and even unpleasant to be around as a fellow worker and customer.
Sleep Tip #182: Stop the B.S…be real. Sleep is the only remedy for sleep deprivation.
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