Am I Suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
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The end of daylight savings times results in shorter days. Shorter day lengths are associated with seasonal changes in mood known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder). For many of us, we feel the subtle effects of shorter days such as … Read More

Fall Asleep in 2 minutes or less: An Aid for the End of DST
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The popular press profiled a time proven four step way to fall asleep in 2 minutes. What are the four steps? Relax the muscles in your face, jaw, tongue and even the muscles around your eyes. Drop your shoulders as … Read More

Monitor Your Alertness
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Cognitive performance — particularly alertness varies throughout the day based upon the time of day, the degree of interest in a task, and the degree of sleepiness not to mention the degree of stress. For most of us, alertness decreases … Read More

Follow The Sun
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Light is the key to a finely tuned biological clock. Your body’s circadian rhythm follows the light, not the numbers on the clock. Try to get outside and catch some morning and early afternoon light. If you can’t sneak out … Read More

Hungry at the Wrong Time
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Not only is your sleep impacted but you may feel hungry or thirsty at the wrong time. You wake up and feel hungrier or thirstier than you normally do. What’s happening? Your body is saying, “Feed me. You are an … Read More

Is it normal to take longer to fall asleep and wake up earlier at the End of DST? Yes!
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A 2013 study suggests that during the End of Daylight Savings Time, people tend to get up earlier and lose time sleeping overall. If it takes you 20-30 minutes to fall asleep, this is expected but still frustrating. And if you wake … Read More

Get Natural Sunlight When You Wake Up
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Get natural sunlight when you wake up. If the sun is not up when you get up, then get some light. Why? Light will set your clock to get you moving in a way that will reduce the sluggishness, grogginess … Read More

Keep Your Same Schedule (Only If It Is Consistent)
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Keep your same bedtime. The average adult needs 7-9 hours of quality sleep. Sorry…most of us are average and that’s OK. Consistency matters!

Make A Gradual Adjustment To Fall Back with Ease
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Go to bed 20-30 minutes later a beginning tonight through Sunday night. Your body need some time to adjust.

Get Ready to Fall Back
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One of the best ways to get ready for Fall Back on Sunday, 11/4/2018 is to manage your expectations. What? You may get up a bit earlier each day (for about 4-5 days) after setting the clocks back by 1 … Read More

Timing matters
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We are driven by our biological clocks. Timing matters. Sleep Tip #355: Timing matters.

Avoid swing shifts.
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The evidence is clear. Swing shifts wreak havoc on your work life, health and social life. Sleep Tip #290: Avoid swing shifts.

Sleep more to earn more
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A one-hour increase in average weekly sleep increases wages by 1.5% in the short run and by 4.9% in the long run. Sleep Tip #360: Sleep more to earn more.

Sleep more and better to improve financial decisions
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If you suffer from chronic sleep deprivation (less than 6 hours a night), then you are likely to make more risky decisions including financial decisions. Why take the chance on risky money decisions, when you can reduce the risk by … Read More

Follow a plan to sleep well even if the market is going crazy
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The stock market is bouncing all over the place. Professionals call this market volatility. The ups and downs of the market should not keep you up at night. Vanguard, the investment house, recommends the following tips to sleep better. Diversity: … Read More

Build a plan to pay off your debt to boost your sleep
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Money worries are all too common. If you’re in debt and it’s bothering you, then reduce your worry by developing a plan to pay off your debt…a realistic plan. Sleep Tip #357: Build a plan to pay off your debt … Read More

Stop fretting about politics
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Research conducted by myself and a colleague found that the numbers of hours slept varies by political party and which party won the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Red state sleepers benefited. Blue state sleepers did not. Regardless of your party … Read More

Timing matters.
with No Comments We are driven by our biological clock. Respect your biological clock. Sleep Tip #355: Timing matters.

Stop searching on your smartphone at night about sleep
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It is not a good idea to search about not being able to fall asleep with your smartphone for two reasons: The light will keep you awake You will probably increase your frustration level What should I do? Keep the … Read More

Use power words to sleep better
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Before going to sleep, use power words. Power words are positive focused “can do” language which instill in you the belief that you can and deserve to sleep well. Sleep Tip #354: Use power words to sleep better.

Know your prime biological time
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Internal biological time is the most reliable predictor of peak performance time according to one research study. Sleep Tip #353: Know your prime biological time.

To recover…sleep
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  “Sleep is the most important thing when it comes to recovery. And it’s very tough with our schedule. Our schedule keeps us up late at night, and most of the time it wakes us up early in the morning. … Read More

Strategic napping boosts performance among elite athletes
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Cutting edge research finds that a 30 minute lunchtime nap boosted the performance of athletes by: Increasing alterness Decreasing sleepiness Improving learning Could you benefit from these three in your performance?   Sleep Tip #349:Strategic napping boosts performance among elite … Read More

Sleep extension and napping can be effective means of enhancing performance in athletes.
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Researchers found that when basketball players obtained as much extra sleep as possible following 2 weeks of normal sleep habits that there performance improved in these ways: Faster spring times Increased free-throw accuracy . Sleep Tip #348: Sleep extension and napping … Read More

Super bowl stars put sleep #1
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Tom Brady: Well it’s got to be a priority. I think sleep is so important because I break my body down so much with my sport.  Source: Sleep Tip #350: Super bowl stars put sleep #1. Do you?

Try using nasal strips if you are stuffed up
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When you get hit with a cold or allergy, you often get congested. It is difficult to fall asleep if you are stuffed up. Sleep Tip #344: Try using nasal strips if you are stuffed up.

Need to move around in bed…get a larger bed
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Source: Sleep Tip #343: Need to move around in bed….get a larger bed.

Rearrange your bedroom
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How would you rearrange this bedroom to make it more conducive for sleep? Sleep Tip #342: Rearrange your bedroom.

Put on a long boring movie before going to sleep
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Most of try to avoid boredom. Boredom can be your sleep friend.   Sleep Tip #341: Put on a long boring movie before going to sleep.

Brush your teeth to fall asleep
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Most of us don’t want to wake up with a “yucky mouth.” Why go to sleep with a “yucky mouth?” Brushing your teeth will remove any sugar and give you that clean, refreshing feeling. Sleep Tip #340: Brush your teeth … Read More

Treat chronic insomnia like a disease
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Too many of us treat insomnia like a character flaw or a bad habit. Chronic insomnia is a disease. Physicians, psychologists and other healthcare professionals diagnose and treat chronic insomnia like other chronic diseases. If you or your partner suffers … Read More

Know the different types of insomnia to design your insomnia prevention or treatment plan
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  Insomnia is not simply insomnia. There are four types of insomnia: Primary: Caused by an inability to sleep and sleep well for no other cause. Secondary: Caused by another factor such as back pain. Acute: Experiencing insomnia for a … Read More

Stay Awake to Fall Asleep
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Really! Medical researcher Niall Broomfield from the University of Glasgow in an experiment that individuals who tried to stay awake felt less anxious at bedtime and reported falling asleep quicker. How come? They probably were less worked up about falling … Read More

Are any of these common causes of insomnia a problem for me?
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Insomnia rarely just pops out of the blue. There are cases where a cause is not known. The good news is that there are common causes of insomnia. Answer each of the questions below to see if any of these … Read More

Challenge your self defeating thoughts about sleep!
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It is not unusual for individuals who are at risk of insomnia or suffer from insomnia to develop self defeating thoughts such as the ones below: Unrealistic expectations: I should be able to sleep well every night like a normal person. … Read More

Do I suffer from insomnia?
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Many folks suffer from insomnia. Insomnia can be short lived (acute) or long lived (chronic). You can only really diagnose whether you have insomnia by seeking a professional guidance from a primary care physician or behavioral sleep medicine specialist. Difficulty … Read More

Find the right sleep posture to boost beauty sleep
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Do you wake up with creases on your face after sleeping? One great way to prevent or minimize creasing is to find the right posture.   Source: Sleep Tip #338: Find the right sleep posture to boost beauty sleep.

Wash your face before bed for better skin and sleep
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Sleep Tip #332: Wash your face before bed for better skin and sleep. At night, while sleeping, your mind and body are in the repair and rejuvenation model. Kick start the repair and rejuvenation of your skin washing your face … Read More

Use a humidifier in the bedroom to get your beauty sleep
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Use a humidifier in the bedroom to get your beauty sleep Beautiful and healthy skin is moist, fresh and buoyant. Hydrate your skin while you sleep by using a humidifier. For the best hydration results, turn on the humidifier after you … Read More

Slip on a silk eye mask to prevent pillow face
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Slip on a silk eye mask to prevent pillow face Slipping on a silk eye mask has two benefits: blocks out light to encourage sleep and help your face to stay crease free from the pillow pushing into your face. … Read More

Are you suffering from sleep inertia?
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Do you ever feel heavy and groggy when you wake up? If so, you may be suffering from Sleep Inertia.  Sleep inertia can last from 1 minute to 4 hours, but typically lasts 15-30 minutes. During this period, you are … Read More

Five Tips To Stop Hitting the Snooze Button
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Are you one of those folks who tries to wake up but you keep hitting the snooze button? Do some different and follow one of these five tips. 1. Place your alarm somewhere that’s hard to reach. If you keep … Read More

Savvy alarm clock shoppers prioritize sleep
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Alarm clocks can in all shapes and size with different bells and whistles. Below are some of the more common features. Customizable alarms: An alarm clock, by definition, allows users to program alarms based on their individual needs. Basic designs allow … Read More

Try not to fall asleep.
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When we try too much, we often can’t achieve what we wish. What’s the alternative? Fool yourself by stop trying. Research has found that works for many people. Sleep Tip #326: Try not to fall asleep.

Don’t underestimate the power of sleep
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Insomnia is associated with poorer psychological health and mood, reduced mental resilience, and increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Sleep Tip #325: Don’t underestimate the power of sleep.

Assess your sleep effort
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The Glasgow Sleep Effort Scale is a useful tool to assess how much effort you are spending to go to sleep. Below is a similar tool. Please answer yes or no to each of the seven questions. I put too … Read More

Benchmark Aetna as a sleep best practice for employees
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Aetna, the health insurer, is in the business of health and sleep. Aetna employees are encouraged to enhance their total health including their sleep health. What about your company?   Sleep Tip #323: Benchmark Aetna as a sleep best practice … Read More

Check out mindfulness meditation to boost your sleep quality and life
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8 weeks of mindfulness meditation training improved the quality of sleep, overall quality of life, level of attention and reduced vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women with insomnia. : Check out mindfulness meditation to boost your sleep quality and life.

Your Bed Partner May Be Keeping You From Sleeping
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Researchers found that frequent users of bedtime social technology disrupted the sleep of their bed partner too. This resulted in increased sleepiness the next day. Sleep Tip #321: Ask your bed partner to part his or her device at the … Read More

Sleep here and there…not in one sitting.
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Polyphasic sleep works for a lot of folks. In fact, researchers suggest that polyphasic sleep is the natural way to sleep. This may be how our ancestors slept before the invention of light. Infants and the elderly are naturally poly … Read More

Biofeedback promotes relaxation and sleepiness
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Sleep Tip #319: Biofeedback promotes relaxation and sleepiness. You can buy biofeedback equipment or you can see a trained biofeedback therapist.

Give heartfulness meditation a try
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Sleep Tip #318: Give heartfulness meditation a try to sleep better and a lot MORE!

Stretching works to facilitate sleep
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There are many ways to relax from meditation to stretching.   Sleep Tip #317: Stretching works to facilitate sleep.

Try tele-health to strengthen your sleep habits
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Telehealth delivery of group cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia is clinically equivalent to face to face therapy. Sleep Tip #316: Try tele-health to strengthen your sleep habits.

Get help for abuse to sleep safer and sounder
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Researchers now know that a history of abuse disturbs sleep. Why? The bedroom is seen as unsafe. Sleep Tip #315: Get help for abuse to sleep safer and sounder.

Decrease your exposure to light before you wake up!
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Did you know that pre-awake light (PAL) exposure is significantly associated with sleep disturbances independent of melatonin levels and light exposure after bedtime? PAL begins 2 hours before you wake up. Sleep Tip #314: Reduce your exposure to light before … Read More

Silence is golden
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Did you know that daytime noise had sustained effects on night time sleep quality.? Sleep Tip #313: Try to decrease your exposure to noise during the day and night.

Take It Easy To Promote Sleep…Let It Roll Off Your Back
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Emotional reactivity was strongly associated with sleep reactivity. In fact, sleep reactivity partially explained the association of emotional reactivity with insomnia severity. Sleep Tip #312: Take it easy to promote better sleep. Try to let stuff roll off your back.

De-arouse yourself!
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Hyperarousal is associated with insomnia. Sleep Tip # 311: De-arouse (e.g. relaxation) to counteract hyperarousal.

Slow rhythmic breathing prepares you to rest
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Sleep Tip # 296: To prepare to rest, try slow rhythmic breathing. Rest eases the ability to sleep soundly.  

If you have small children, read to them until they fall asleep
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Sleep Tip #300: If you have small children, read to them until they fall asleep. You will find that it will be easier for you to fall asleep.  

Wake up early in the morning
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Sleep Tip #299: Kick start your day by waking up early in the morning.

Kiss your significant other good night
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Sleep Tip #298: Kiss your significant other good night. Never go to be angry or stressed or strained.

Consider buying a massage chair
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Sleep Tip #297: Consider buying a massage chair. Some individuals can’t simply do nothing to relax, they need to do something. A massage chair may do the trick to ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.

If your partner is a cover hog, bring a second blanket to bed
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Do you wake up discovering your are coverless? Do you prep before going to be to make sure your covers don’t get snatched. Stop struggling over covers. Sleep Tip #295: If your partner is a cover hog, bring a second blanket … Read More

Schedule more sleep if you feel as though you may be getting sick
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Once you get that feeling that you’re about to be sick with a bad cold or flu, then get to bed as soon as possible. Sleeping more boosts your immune system. Sleep Tip # 294: Schedule more sleep if you feel … Read More

De-stress by taking quality time for you
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Sleep Tip #291: De-stress by taking quality time for you

Get creative and express yourself during the day
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Sleep Tip #290: Get creative and express yourself during the day…to calm yourself during the night.

Avoid the night shift if you can.
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Don’t get yourself fired or lose any income that you don’t need but for most of us working the night shift is a sleep disaster. Sleep Tip #289: Avoid the night shift if you can.

Sleep in a guest room every now and then to sleep better. 
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It’s OK to sleep in a guest room every now and then to really get some great sleep. This does not mean that you love your bed partner any less. It does mean that at times we need 100% uninterrupted … Read More

Use a soothing, scented detergent for all bed linens. 
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Be sure that you wash your bed linens with a soothing, scented detergent. Nothing smells so good as freshly washed linens. Sleep Tip #287: Use a soothing, scented detergent for all bed linens.

Sleep in pajamas not baggy clothes to set the stage for sleepy time. 
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Wear pajamas to bed rather than baggy clothes that you may wear anywhere anytime. Why? You have to signal to your body that “it is time for sleep.” Sleep Tip #286: Sleep in pajamas not baggy clothes to set the … Read More

Face your bed towards the window. 
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Facing your bed toward the window will jump start your day upon awakening. Our biological clocks are naturally responsive to light and dark. Sleep Tip #285: Face your bed towards the window.

Get off your family & friends call list. 
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Tell your family and friends not to call you near or after your bedtime. If they care about you, they’ll respect this boundary. Sleep Tip #284: Get off your family & friends call list.

Find a new “security blanket” to sleep with. 
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You can’t fall asleep easily or stay asleep if you don’t feel safe and secure. Make sure that you feel safe and secure to sleep. Sleep Tip #283: Find a new “security blanket” to sleep with.

Stay in the dark if you wake up in the middle of the night. 
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Many of us will wake up in the middle of the night, then be sure to stay in the dark before going back to bed. If you turn on a bright light or an electronic device, then you will wake … Read More

Don’t count sheep…picture yourself in your happy place.
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Use mental imagery or visualization as a soothing blanket for sleep. Counting sleep does not work for everybody. Sleep Tip #281: Don’t count sheep…picture yourself in your happy place.

If your partner is a cover hug, bring a second blanket to bed.
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How many times have you woken up because your cold? This may be prevented if you and your sleep partner have your own blanket rather than shared blanket. Sleep Tip #280: If your partner is a cover hug, bring a … Read More

Schedule more sleep if you think you’re about to become sick.
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As I am writing this tip, this is my plan for today and tomorrow. I am going to listen to my body and allow myself plenty of rest, relief and restoration. Sleep is a great medicine. Yet, it only works … Read More

Stop mentally reviewing your work when you leave the office.
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Hit the stop button when you leave work. Leave work at work. You can’t embrace life if you’re embracing work too…unless all of your life is defined by your work. that is another challenge. Sleep Tip #279: Stop mentally reviewing … Read More

De-stress with a thankful list!
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Would you rather end the day reflecting up all the good things that happened or all the bad things, disappointments and complaints? If you want to fall asleep faster, then CHOOSE to focus on the good things…even the small things … Read More

Express yourself
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Let it out! Don’t hold it in! Don’t hold it back! But don’t attack either. If you try to fall asleep and something is on your mind, you can’t get no rest. So, let it out…express yourself! Sleep Tip #277: … Read More

Get creative
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There is a myth that people with sleep problems are more creative. By engaging in something creative during the day, you’re likely to feel a sense of mastery, a sense of accomplishment and perhaps some fulfillment. Those feelings are relaxing. … Read More

Ask for sleep screening at the health fair.
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Most health fairs will screen for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, body mass index, vision, and maybe even range of motion. And more and more, there are stress, anxiety and depression screenings. What about a sleep screening? Sleep is … Read More

Be careful about antihistamines.
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All medications work for the purpose that is intended but all medications have side effects too. Some find that antihistamines relieve their symptoms but are not the best for their sleep. Talk with your physician or other healthcare provider about … Read More

Adult bedtime stories do the trick.
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Distract your whirring mind with a bedtime story. Soothing words and music are combined with calming voices (such as actor Stephen Fry) to help you wind down. Listen to stories via the stress-busting app Calm, free to download from Google … Read More

Boost your income to improve your sleep.
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Money does not make the world go round and may not make you happier. But money will help you sleep better. There is an association between sleep quality and higher income. Sleep Tip #272: Boost your income to improve your … Read More

Check out the healthy bedtime sleep calculator.
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Wondering what time you should go to bed. Check out the healthy bedtime sleep calculator. Sleep Tip #271: Check out the healthy bedtime sleep calculator.

Stop being a slave to expectations to sleep better.
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In life and work, you have the expectations of others and the expectations that  you place on yourself. Free yourself from sleep robbing expectations…others’ expectations and yours. Sleep Tip #270: Stop being a slave to expectations to sleep better.

Try this experiment.
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If you have to get up to go to work or get the kids ready for school, then count backwards 7.5 hours. For example, if you have to get up at 6am, then go to bed at 10:30 pm. Do … Read More

Stop denying that lack of sleep is eroding your performance.
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Colorado Rockies ‘ outfielder Gonzalez realized that sleep made the difference in his performance. ”It’s just special,” said Gonzalez. Sleep Tip #268: Stop denying that lack of sleep is eroding your performance.

Stop working nights to trim your waistline.
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Sleep Tip #267: Stop working nights to trim your waistline.

Meditation is a great way to unwind
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Meditation is a great way to unwind. Muse offers a technologically enhanced way to meditate with headphones and an app. Sleep Tip #266: Meditation is a great way to unwind.

Soothe yourself to sleep with soothing sounds.
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Soothing sounds are a great way to wind down from a hectic day before falling asleep. You may find that you are less distracted and more relaxed. This may be an adult version of a lullaby. Check out Sleep Phones. … Read More

Extend don’t just snooze
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Seconds make the difference between winning and losing among elite athletes. You may not be an elite athlete but you are expected to perform at a high level regardless of your job.So…do what a growing number of elite athletes are … Read More

Stimulate sleepiness with black out curtains
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If you work at night and sleep during the day, the sun and light are not your friends. Darkness stimulates melatonin and melatonin promotes sleepiness. Do yourself a favor and darken your room. Sleep Tip #263: Stimulate sleepiness with black … Read More

Get help if you have shift work disorder.
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According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, if you answer yes to these questions, then be sure to visit your primary care provider because you may have shift work disorder (SWD). Do you have a schedule that requires you … Read More

Let the sun shine in!
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In preliminary research, it was found that workers who had windows at work lept an average of 47 more minutes per night compared to workers in offices without daylight exposure. Other benefits included…being more physically active too. If you’re stuck … Read More

Start working at 9am or later.
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  The early bird may get the worm but not enough sleep! Research among elite athletes, railway workers, and aviation workers is suggesting that for every hour you start work before 9am that you lose 30 minutes of sleep. In … Read More

Check out light therapy for troubling falling asleep at a desired time.
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Phototherapy, also known as light therapy, bright light therapy, or blue light therapy, is increasingly common for people trying to improve their sleep health. Light therapy is particular helpful for those with Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPS). What is this? … Read More

Ask your doctor about chronotherapy if you are staying up TOO late and getting up TOO late.
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If you feel more energetic during typical bed time hours, then you certainly are struggling to fall asleep. For some folks, this may signal that you have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. Simply put, this is a problem with your biological … Read More

Mind over money…don’t lose sleep over money
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Two out of five Americans lose sleep over money according to one poll. These worries afflict the young and the old worrying about paying for school to not having enough money for retirement. Take these three steps to get greater … Read More

Daylight equals higher sleep quality at night
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Your work environment makes a difference in your quality of life during the day and at night. Harvard researchers found that exposure to brighter, blue-enriched lighting in the green-certified buildings promoted better sleep quality at night. The next morning this … Read More

seek greater control over your work schedule
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It’s not OK to be a control freak. Yet, the scientific evidence is suggesting that increased control over work time by employees could improve sleep quality. This not only benefits you but also the company by increasing employee productivity and … Read More

Stop searching about insomnia at night to sleep better
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Individuals commonly use the Internet to check out symptoms, health problems, and solutions to health issues. Day and night. Searching about insomnia symptoms at night is likely to make the situation worse for most. Why? First, you are exposed to … Read More

Curb your risk taking by sleeping healthier!
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There is a connect between chronic sleep loss and engaging in riskier behaviors. Risky behavior increases as the sleep loss mounts and continues. One of the more alarming facts is that self-perception of more risky behaviors is lacking. In short, … Read More

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Faced with a frustrating night of insomnia, many folks will turn to a sleep medication. Prescribed or over-the-counter. Yet, some of those that take the meds often feel conflicted. This is especially true if they have been battling sleep disturbances … Read More

The right forehead temperature may be the hack for insomnia.
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Insomnia is among the most common disorders in the general population. While hypnotic medications are efficacious, their use is limited by adverse events. Safe, effective alternatives are needed. Early research is showing that frontal cerebral thermal therapy makes it easier … Read More

Are you an active or passive social technology addict?
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Do you use social technology in the bed just before going to sleep? If you answered yes, you’re an active social technology addict…user not addict. If you answered no, then it means that you could still be interrupted by social … Read More

Sleep recovery will not change your outlook on life
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Positive affect helps you cope with difficult situations. Individuals high in positive affect tend to be happier, more successful in life, and enjoy better relationships. Positive affect is reduced during chronic and acute sleep loss. Don’t fool yourself by thinking … Read More

Invest in workplace sleep health program
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Workplace sleep health promotion programs work! If your company has a program, sign up. If you’re a manager, let your employees go if you’re concerned about performance and them as people. If you’re a HR leader, and your company does … Read More

Stop Tweeting at night to stay in the game
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Tweeting at night, especially the night before game day, will mess up your performance. In fact, one study of NBA players found that they scored fewer points per game, experienced lower shooting percentage of both field goals and free throws. … Read More

Fight for availability policy
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Boundaryless work is now possible due to technology and globalization especially as mobile reigns supreme. Just because you are available does not mean that you should be working. It also does not mean that others should expect that you’re working. … Read More

Inform Your Management That Sleep Promotes High Worker Engagement
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Tell your leaders and managers that sleep is related to higher work engagement. One simple way to boost worker engagement is to educate workers about good sleep habits. This increase in knowledge among some workers will be enough to improve … Read More

Assess your risk for developing insomnia
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Take the quick assessment below to see if you’re at increased risk of developing insomnia. Smoke Drink alcohol Nap too close to bedtime “Sleep in” on non-work day Spend time in bed for activities beyond sleeping and “getting busy.” The … Read More

Go cold turkey by abstaining from caffeine.
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I am a coffee lover. For some folks,  abstaining from no effect (good or bad) on sleep. For others, any caffeine in any form 6 hours before they intend to go to sleep will predictably disrupt their ability to … Read More

Build a wall between work and home
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If you’re fortunate enough or unfortunate enough to work from home, you most likely enjoy the benefits such as no commute and working in your PJs or sweats. All of this is good. Yet, a challenge how to SEPARATE work … Read More

Unwind between work and home.
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Most of us would love a short commute between work and home. But we all need some transition time. During this transition time, focus on unwinding from the pace and demands of work. Why? You want to focus on who’s … Read More

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
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SORRY! Life sucks!!! It is a well-established scientific fact and common sense notion that the more you work, the less you sleep. Try these quick tips to improve your sleep, performance and health. Switch your schedule. Don’t confuse hours worked … Read More

Get that nap when you feel the most sleepy.
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Experts are recommending a short nap (less than 30 minutes) more and more. Companies are putting up nap rooms. Here’s a BIG TIP to make the most out of your afternoon nap. Try to take you nap when you’re feeling … Read More

Don’t start the cigarette habit and kick it quickly.
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Smoking a nice, relaxing cigarette may seem like a seductive way to ease yourself into slumber. Researchers have found that just smoking for one month disrupts your sleep. They also found that the more cigarettes you smoke, the worse the … Read More

Be brave and bring up sleep dilemmas at work
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At your next work or team meeting, gently bring up the issue of sleep dilemmas at work. Over-working is becoming vogue especially among entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially-minded companies. This strategy is foolish. Sleep Tip #237: Be brave and bring up sleep … Read More

Go to a health fair for a check up.
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You are like a finely tuned racing car. You can perform superbly under stress but only if all systems are working at full capacity and in sync with other systems. Be sure to go to a health fair sponsored by … Read More

Recognize that lack of sleep causes stress.
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Lack of enough or high quality sleep is a stressor. Do not catastrophize and awfulize about not getting enough or high quality sleep. Accept this as a temporary reality that can solved by reducing stress, sticking to a routine, and … Read More

Sleep More than 6 Hours to Enhance Sleep Quality
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Sleep quality is just as important as sleep quantity. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is critical for memory consolidation and moods the following day. Every 90 minutes, you enter into REM sleep. If you get less than 4-6 hours of … Read More

Up Your Leadership Game
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The Center for Creative Leadership describes a lack of sleep as a leadership liability. Leaders who are sleep deprived impair their ability to sense and organization information. In short, their performance as leaders suffers. When leaders suffer, employees suffer. Sleep … Read More

Socialize to De-Stress and Sleep
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Sleep experts found that after the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan that interacting with others made the difference between sleeping poorly and sleeping well. Visit with your neighbors. Help your neighbors. Contact your friends. In short, don’t isolate yourself. Interacting … Read More

Get Some Pleasure
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Even during rough, frightening and traumatic times, getting even a little bit of pleasure makes a positive difference. If you enjoy music, then listen to music. If you like a cup of hot coffee, then drink a cup. If you … Read More

Address the stress
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Sleep experts know that poor sleepers experience greater stress overall. They also know that poor sleeps experience more stress before and after natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods. The key is to address the stress. One way to address … Read More

Help others
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Help others to get your mind off your troubles. Folks who offer support and assistance to those in need during hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters will tell you that it makes them feel better. This is not why they … Read More

Get a comforting routine.
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As much as possible, stick to your daily routines. Children respond positively to routines and daily habits. Pay attention to bed times and wake times. Pay attention to meal times. These two times mark the day for adults and children … Read More

Don’t Fight Sleep Probems
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It’s normal not to sleep normally during any type of natural disaster from a hurricane to a wild fire. Try to accept that this is normal although stressful. If you fight it, then you’ll work yourself up. By working yourself … Read More

Normalize Negative Emotions
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It’s normal during a natural disaster like a flood to feel anxious, depressed, and even terrified. Others may feel angry at the slow response of officials. Acknowledge that these feelings are unpleasant but normal. Share your feelings with others in … Read More

Surround yourself with loved ones.
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If possible, surround yourself with loved ones. Social support comforts. Social support relaxes. Social support takes some of the load off your shoulders. You may find that it is easier to all and stay asleep knowing that your loved ones … Read More

Recovery Demands Sleep
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During times of extreme stress such as a hurricane, flood or other natural disasters, we are on edge for hours and hours during the day and night. We can push through this for a couple of days but not much … Read More

Children Are Looking…Be The Best Model You Can Be
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Children of all ages but especially those under 12 are looking for you to know how to react to this terrible situation. Are you scared? This may trigger fear in them. Are you isolated? This may cause them not to … Read More

Safety First
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Securing our physical safety is the number one priority for being able to even think about getting some sleep. It’s normal to be on edge and alert when our physical safety is threatened as in the case of a flood … Read More

Do you get enough sleep? Assess your sleep life.
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Primary care physicians promote “Know Your Numbers.” The numbers they are talking about are the following: Blood pressure Cholesterol level Resting pulse Sugar level Do you know your sleep number? Sleep Tip #221: Do you get enough sleep? Assess your … Read More

The key to feeling fully rested the next day is 7.5 hours.
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Sleep experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep for adults to feel rested the next. What do consumers of sleep technology such as Fitbit say? They say 7.5 hours. Yet, most admit to only getting 6 hours of sleep each night. … Read More

Alcohol may help you fall sleep faster but that’s about it.
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One survey found that 13% of individuals ages 18-45 admit to drinking alcohol to fall asleep. Alcohol may help you fall asleep faster. But alcohol will not help you stay asleep. Sleep Tip #219: Alcohol may help you fall asleep … Read More

Sleep on coffee infused sheets.
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Coffee infused sheets! You gotta be kiddin. How does sleeping on coffee infuse sheets help you sleep better? First, the sheets don’t smell like coffee. Second, the sheets dont’ crunch in the bed. Third, the sheets are great to control … Read More

Try a coffee nap to get that refreshed feeling
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Coffee keeps you up. Naps slow you down. How about trying a coffee nap? A coffee naps works by doing the following: Drink a small cup of coffee. Take a nap for 30 minutes. When you wake up from your … Read More

Catch the clean sleep wave.
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Clean eating is a craze. So too is clean sweeping. Clean sleeping is putting sleep as the #1 priority-above all else. Sleep Tip # 216: Catch the clean sleep wave.

Fend off jet lag especially when traveling eastward.
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Jet lag is worse when you travel eastward. Jet lag can be resolved by matching your internal clock to your destination’s clock as soon as possible. Sleep Tip # 215: Fend off jet lag especially when traveling eastward.

Stop pain and sleeplessness with Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia.
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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia has the potential to improve both sleep and pain for those who suffer from chronic pain. Sleep Tip #214: Stop pain and sleeplessness with Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia.

Tidy up your bedroom to promote sleep.
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you may have heard as a child, “Clean up your room.” This advice was on the spot. Clean up your room to create a sleep inducing environment. Sleep Tip # 213: Tidy up your bedroom to promote sleep.

Try blue blocking (BB) lenses 2 hours before bedtime to sleep better.
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The effects of BB and clear lenses, worn for 2 hours preceding bedtime for 7 nights in a study found that it improved sleep for those suffering from insomnia. BB lenses are relatively cheap and easy to wear right before … Read More

Try a free app to improve your sleep.
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Soldiers and veterans suffer from sleep disturbances due to the demands of their work and the consequences of military duty. The Veterans Administration  has a free app called CBT-I Coach. Try this free app and see if you are sleeping … Read More

Treat migraines and sleep problems in one punch.
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Migraine headaches and sleep problems go together. To decrease symptoms with both, try Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia or CBT-I. Sleep Tip #210: Treat migraines and sleep problems in one punch.

Brief therapy works for menopausal women with sleep problems
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For midlife women experiencing insomnia and nocturnal hot flashes, a 4-session CBT intervention targeting both insomnia and hot flashes works to improve: sleep depression Sleep Tip #209: Brief therapy works for menopausal women with sleep problems.

Brief behavioral therapy for insomnia works!
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Don’t continue to suffer from insomnia or sleep problems. Get professional help. You don’t have to spend years in therapy. Try brief behavioral therapy for insomnia. Your time commitment could be as little as 4 weeks. Sleep Tip #208: Brief … Read More

Cut back on work hours to get more sleep.
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It is clear that longer work hours are associated with poorer sleep. Some folks can’t help but to work 2-3 jobs just to pay the bills. Others have to work long hours to keep their jobs. And others are choosing … Read More

After a disaster, get professional help to sleep better.
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Sleep loss is common after a disaster. Below is a list of some disasters: Fire Flood Tornado Hurricane Blizzard Major Property Losa Get professional help if you are having a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too … Read More

Herbal teas may help you fall asleep.
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People have been using herbal teas to help relax before bed for centuries. However, it’s important to remember that the effects of herbs can vary depending on the individual. Some herbs can cause sleep disturbances while others can either make … Read More

Android’s Night Shift App to Sleep Faster
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  Sleep Tip #204: Android’s Night Shift App to Sleep Faster.

Switch on Apple’s Night Shift
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S Sleep Tip #203: Switch on Apple’s Night Shift.

Sleep more to stay upbeat to fight off depression
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Sleep is related to your outlook the next day. The more you sleep, the more positive your outlook. And the higher quality your sleep, the more positive your outlook. The more positive your outlook, the less likely you may experience … Read More

Stop thinking that you need to know the time when sleeping
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You don’t need to know the time when sleeping. If you trust that your alarm will go off, then stop tracking the time while you’re sleeping. There is no reason to know what time it happens to be. Sleep Tip … Read More

Tap into the spirituality that sleep offers
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Religions offer suggestions about sleep. In an article in The Catholic Digest, the Holy Father (The Pope) made these remarks about sleep in the Philippines: “Rest is so necessary for the health of our minds and bodies and often so … Read More

Warm up your body with a blanket
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Not too long ago, airlines would give you a pillow and a blanket on all flights. Then, it was limited to coast to coast flights. Now, if you’re lucky it is overseas flights. You take your chances if the blanket … Read More

Warm up your feet with socks on long and overnight flights
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First class and business class travelers are given ear plugs to drown out the sound, eye masks to keep it dark and little socks to warm their feet. What do you get in economy? A ticket, a seat, a place … Read More

Make room for your legs on long and overnight flights.
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Most of us are not fortunate enough to afford first, class, business class, or business plus. This means that we have to make the best of the cramped space we’re given by the airlines. Ignore the instruction to store your … Read More

Chill before boarding on long and overnight flights
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Chill before boarding especially on long flights or overnight flights. If your goal is to sleep for most of the flight, then wind down before you get on the plane. Sleep Tip #196: Chill before boarding on long and overnight … Read More

Signs To Tell You You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
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Long before Fitbit and other wearables, our moms knew if we got enough sleep. And they knew if we were getting high quality sleep. Wearables are great too. Don’t solely depend on technology as a sleep tracker. Look for these … Read More

Wear comfy clothes to fight jet lag on long flights
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Dress comfortably for long flights, especially overnight flights to fight jet lag. The last thing you want is to sweat, to shiver, or to be pierced by a belt while trying to chill and sleep. Sleep Tip #194: Wear comfy … Read More

Avoid rotating shifts to counter the sleep robbing effects of shift work
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Avoid frequently rotating shifts   Sleep Tip #193: Avoid rotating shifts to counter the sleep robbing effects of shift work.

Take a nap to counter the sleep robbing effects of shift work
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If there is no other way around taking the night shift, taking a 90-minute nap before your shift can help you stay awake and be more alert. It is also beneficial to take a short nap during break time—about 15 … Read More

Nourish secure relationships to enhance your sleep.
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Do you feel secure about your close relationships at home and at work? If the answer is yes, then you’re less likely to feel stressed about your relationships and better able to relax enough to fall asleep and stay asleep. … Read More

Seek help and support if domestic violence is disrupting your sleep.
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Individuals victimized and terrorized by loved ones must endure suffering and pain during their waking hours and also during their sleeping hours. Sleep is the time to become restored and refreshed.   Sleep Tip #172: Seek help and support if … Read More

Savor the moment to sleep better.
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Savoring is a form of positive repetitive thought characterized by attendance to positive affective experiences.  Savoring has three categories: Anticipating (something upbeat) Savoring the moment Reminiscing not ruminating Psychological researchers are discovering that the more you savor, the better you sleep. … Read More

Get help for hot flashes to sleep with greater ease.
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Hot flashes go along with menopause for many, many women. As you well know, you can’t fall asleep, stay alseep or benefit from quality sleep if you have hot flashes. Let your primary care provider or gynecologist know that your … Read More

Don’t try so hard to fall asleep.
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In life, some things you can force into being. Yet, there are other things in which you must “let go.” Trying to fall asleep is something that trying too hard makes it worse not better. Don’ sweat it too much. … Read More

Are you getting your recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night?
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One of the leading scientific organization for sleep experts, National Sleep Foundation, recommends that older adults get 7-9 hours a sleep each night. Are you getting 7-9 hours? If you do, this will make a difference in your health, productivity, … Read More

Get more sleep and high-quality sleep to fight off fatigue by scheduling sleep in your calendar.
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Sleep loss is one of the causes of fatigue at work. You may wonder if you are fatigued or not. Take the “Am I fatigued? Self-Assessment” below. If you respond to more than 5 items, then you are probably fatigued. … Read More

Digest the sleep hormone
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Tryptophan is one of 20 naturally occurring amino acids—the building blocks of proteins. Tryptophan is used by the human body to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter. Some call Tryptophan the sleep hormone. Tryptophan promotes sleep. Tryptophan is contained in many foods … Read More

Limit your work hours to no more than 8 hours…if you can.
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Extended work hours beyond 8 hours is great for the paycheck and great for the employer but it ain’t so great for the following reasons: More mistakes More errors More accidents Worse sleep Greater health risk Try to keep your … Read More

Ask for a clockwise rotation for your work shift schedule.
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If you rotate shifts in your job, you may want to ask your boss for a clockwise rather than a counter-clockwise rotation. What is a clockwise rotation? You work the morning shift, then the afternoon shift, and then the evening … Read More

Stop the B.S…be real. Sleep is the only remedy for sleep deprivation.
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Your company may have a worksite wellness program, an employee engagement program, a fitness facility, an EAP, and even a nap room but if you don’t get the 7-9 hours of continuous sleep that most adults need, then all that … Read More

Write an employee suggestion to focus on sleep to save money.
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A larger number and percentage of companies are implementing employee suggestion programs. These programs are now largely electronic not boxes as in the old days. What can you suggest to improve the bottom line? Make sleep a priority. Get real … Read More

Be the squeaky not the sleep wheel.
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The squeaky wheel gets the oil. If you don’t complain about how your crazy work schedule is making your crazy, sleepy, less productive and unhealthy, then your boss and your company may not give a damn. Sorry. You have got … Read More

Do you do the cognitive shuffle?
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The cognitive shuffle. What is that? To Cognitive Shuffle, think of random items easy to visualize. Visit mySleepButton for instructions and even to download an app to make it easier. How does this work? This technique works by getting your … Read More

Get your safety incentive/bonus by putting sleep first.
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Many companies given workers a safety incentive or bonus if there are no accidents. You increase your chances of earning the incentive/bonus if your company does what they’re supposed to do, which you can’t control but you can influence. And … Read More

Sleep extension boosts performance.
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New scientific evidence with Major League Baseball (MLB) players finds that sleeping about a hour longer (sleep extension) for five days results in enhanced cognitive performance and more focused attention. It is obvious how this benefits professional ball players. How … Read More

Reminisce…don’t ruminate to sleep better.
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To reminisce is to recall the past. To ruminate to go over and over the same stuff. To reminisce is also to put a positive spin on looking back. To ruminate is to put a stressful spin on repeating thoughts. … Read More

Talk with your physician about the effects of medication on your sleep, performance and safety.
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Tiger Woods, the famous golfer, was arrested for DUI. After this went public, Tiger Woods released an official statement on Monday, regarding his medications and sleep disorder. Woods’ statement said: I’m currently receiving professional help to manage my medications and … Read More

Sleep in shifts or chunks.
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Historians tell us that we used to sleep in chunks. What? We would sleep for 4-5 hours, wake up, and then go back to sleep for 4-5 hours. This was regarded as normal. Now, we view this way of sleeping … Read More

Persuade your employer to set up a sleep room.
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The Atlanta Braves set up a sleep room for their players. Owners, general managers and coach recognize that sleep is critical for high performance in baseball, It is also essential for high performance in most occupations. Are your owners, managers, … Read More

Take a long vacation to enhance how long and how well your sleep.
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Do you take short or long vacations? Or…no vacation. Most of us find that our sleep habits change during a vacation. In a study published in the Journal of Happiness, it was found that individuals who took a long vacation … Read More

Adults have night terrors too…seek professional help.
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Adults have night terrors too. It doesn’t just affect kids. Anybody that has suffered from night terrors knows that it disrupts your sleep and those who may witness you have a night terror. This is not normal. Get help. You … Read More

Relax with the 4-7-8 exercise.
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There are many ways to relax and unwind before going to sleep. Try this simple method: 4-7-8 exercise in these 4 easy steps. 1) Close your mouth and inhale  through your nose to a mental count of four. 2) Hold your … Read More

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Valerian root is known to have sedative qualities. For centuries, Valerian root has been used to soothe anxiety and promote sleep. With any herbal remedy, it is essential that you talk with your primary care provider before taking any herbal … Read More

Talk off the pain to sleep.
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Millions suffer from chronic pain. When pain hits, you worry about your ability to sleep. If you don’t sleep well, then you know you’re pain is often worse. What’s the solution? Talk off the pain. How? All of us engage … Read More

Learn from athletic superstars about the restorative power of rest and sleep.
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The NBA Superstar, Chris Paul, shared his advice about the need for sleep even with his hectic schedule juggling life and pro basketball. Sleep Tip #167: Learn from athletic superstars about the restorative power of rest and sleep.

Sneak a nap at work but don’t get fired.
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Naps are good for you. Naps are restorative. Naps are not just for little kids anymore. Progressive workplaces and trusting, informed bosses are saying “yes” to naps. Why? Performance improves. In a Seinfeld episode, George decided to take a nap. … Read More

Do you know the side effects of your medicine? Read the labels.
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Many drugs ranging from asthma/allergy meds to heart meds can disrupt our sleep. Read the labels to find out if sleep disturbances are a possible side effect. If the answer is yes, then do not stop taking your meds but … Read More

Spice up your bedroom with plants to breathe and sleep better.
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Plants freshen up any room with oxygen. Green plants are not only great for enhanced breathing but also for counter-acting some allergy symptoms. A bonus is that freshening up your bedroom with green plants will help you experience higher quality … Read More

Do you have sleep apnea? Find out.
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Sleep apnea (difficulty breathing while sleeping) is very, very common. How do you know if you suffer from sleep apnea? Take the STOP-BANG assessment and if you respond “yes” to three or more questions, you should let your primary care … Read More

Back off of fast food before bed.
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When you think of fast food? Most will think…quick, convenient, cheap, sugary, fatty, salty, and TASTY!!! Fast food is good. But fast food = slow sleep. Substitute fast food with healthier options if your goal is to fall asleep fast … Read More

Turn on a podcast to unwind before sleeping.
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You may know that sleep and productivity experts have warned about the sleep disrupting effects of blue light from your smartphone. What can you do if you can’t fall asleep in complete silence? Don’t turn on the TV. Don’t turn … Read More

Stop time traveling.
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I love to travel…to places, real or imagined, that promote a sense of calm. Don’t travel back to unpleasant or stressful things that happened throughout the day. Reflection is good but obsessing/worrying about the past is not healthy. And time … Read More

Avoid stimulants past mid-day.
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Caffeine is not the only stimulant but it is a stimulant. Caffeine is hidden in soda. Red Bull, coffee, tea, and even chocolate. Sleep Tip #160: Avoid stimulants pats mid-day.

Practice mindfulness @ work for better sleep.
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Mindfulness is simply being present. When you are present, you are aware of the here and now. The future and the past are off in the distance. Scientists tell us that mindfulness is linked to recovery and promotes sleep quality. … Read More

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Honey was used to induce sleeps thousands of years ago. Honey promotes relaxation and helps ease you to sleep. The magic ingredient may be Tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. Honey is one source of Tryptophan. Sleep Tip #157: … Read More

Try to stay awake to fall asleep.
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Would you ever think that trying to stay awake may help you fall asleep? This is paradoxical yet researchers say it works for some folks. Watch this video which talks about this sleep tip and more. Sleep Tip #156: Try … Read More

Find a happy.
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Find a happy. What does that mean? The sleep-mood connection is strong. Great sleep can improve your mood. And a bad mood can disrupt your sleep. Take these two steps before going to bed: Reflect on all the things that … Read More

Take a warm bath to induce sleep.
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A warm bath before bedtime is not only calming and relaxing but it also may induce sleep. The key is to make sure that you go to be very soon after taking a warm bath. Sleep Tip #154: Take a … Read More

Tap into the power of successful behavior change by embracing CAV.
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The reality is that most of us, including me, don’t like to do what others want us to do. If others are saying you need to improve your sleep life. The almost automatic response is an immediate turn off. Psychologists … Read More

Find others who have been successful at changing their sleep habits for the better.
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We have a natural tendency to mimic others. Unfortunately, we imitate both good and bad. Psychologists call this behavioral synchrony. Interestingly, you don’t even have to know the person to tap into the power of imitating others. Sleep Tip #153: … Read More

Make your bed every day for better sleep.
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I am pretty sure that you mother, grandmother or aunt told, “Make your bed” all of the time. If you were like me, what a waste of time. They were right. According to the National Sleep Foundation Bedroom Poll, folks … Read More

Personal cleanliness promotes better sleep
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Clean, fresh sheets help you sleep better. And if you are clean and fresh, then this will help you and your bed partner sleep better. Sleep Tip #150: Keep yourself clean and fresh to catch some ZZsss.

Wash your sheets weekly.
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According to the National Sleep Foundation Bedroom Poll, about seven in ten (71%) agreed that they get a more comfortable night’s sleep on sheets with a fresh scent. If you want to sleep better, wash your bed linens weekly. And … Read More

Natural Sleeping Pill
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Nature has its own sleeping pills. Our bodies are uniquely designed to calm down and focus on the present. For some, you can imagine a relaxing picture in your mind. For others, you may not be able to do so. … Read More

Advocate for climate change…good for the environment and good for your sleep?
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Cutting edge research is suggesting that the climate has an impact on your sleep. Living in New Orleans and DC for many years, this is not really new news. In LA Times story, a researcher predicted that by by 2050 … Read More

Break up your trip to a 1-2 day stopover if you are traveling across the globe.
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    When I have to cross multiple time zones on a business or pleasure trip, I try to stay 1-2 days midway between my home and final destination. I do the same on my return trip home. Why? My … Read More

Get treated for flying phobia to combat jet lag.
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A lot of folks fear flying. In fact, it is estimated that one out of six adults suffers from a flying phobia. Even famous individuals like the football coach John Madden fought flying phobias. If you’re afraid of flying, then … Read More

Does warm milk really make you sleepy?
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Drinking warm milk before bed may help you relax, but there is no evidence that milk makes you sleepy. Some call this the “milk myth.” Sleep Tip #144: Drink warm milk to lull you to sleep.

Eat a light snack a half hour before bed.
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Have you ever struggled to go to sleep because you were hungry or woke up feeling hungry? A light snack such a fruit, a handful of nuts, a slice of Turkey, applesauce,  or a cracker may help. The only caution … Read More

Bet jet lag with smarter technology.
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  There seems to be a technological answer for almost everything including jet lag. And app for everything too. Learn more about these technological solutions to beating or easing jet lag. A Sleep/Wake Mask illumy Sleep and Wake Mask | … Read More

Do you have your shades on to beat jet lag?
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If traveling east, get some artificial or natural light as early as possible to advance your body clock to the new time zone. If traveling west, delay light exposure by wearing sunglasses in the airport and on the airplane. A … Read More

Do not spend all night packing for your big trip.
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All too often, preparing for a big trip is a lot of hard work. Some people spend a couple of days without much sleep simply getting ready. There are things to do around the house like stopping the mail and … Read More

Overnight flights ease the pain of jet lag
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When you’re booking your flight overseas, choose an overnight flight especially if you can sleep at least a bit during the evening after eating dinner on the plan. This is less of an adjustment. And when you land, you will … Read More

East is Worst
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Jet leg is no fun. Not all jet lag is created equal. Traveling east is worst than traveling west. Why? First, you typically take off at night. Second, when you should be sleeping, you are not fully asleep or don’t … Read More

Take sleep meds with caution to fight off jet lag.
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George H. W. Bush, Madeleine Albright  and John Kerry have all admitted taking sleeping pills to try and cope with jet lag. Sleep meds may help with jet lag symptoms but they are side effects. For some, judgment, problem-solving and … Read More

Set realistic expectations when crossing time zones.
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Sleep experts know that it takes about one day to adjust for each time zone that you cross. When you travel from east to west or west to east, you cross time zones. When you travel north to south or … Read More

Learn from pilots to beat jet lag!
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  Pilots and flight crews know about jet lag. They also know about how to beat jet lag or at least minimize the effects of jet lag. Some of the tips include the following: Reduce your intake of caffeine and … Read More

Put sleep #1 to improve your outlook.
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We all know that lack of sleep affects our mood. I get irritable. What about you? Scientists are showing us that a lack of sleep also has an impact on your outlook in life. More sleep,the more positive the outlook. … Read More

Pink noise promotes sleep too!
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White noise is continuous. Pink noise such as the sound of a waterfall has high and low frequencies. Both of types of noise are called acoustic stimulation among sleep experts. Sleep Tip #133: Pink noise promotes sleep too.

Is there something to white noise to promote sleep?
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White noise is a proven way to lull you to sleep. Caution: Do not wear headphones to protect your hearing. There are a number of white noise machines on the market. Sleep Tip #132: Try white noise to lull you … Read More

Drive during your natural wake times.
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According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), you should drive during your normal wake times. For me, I am an early morning person and don’t feel sleepy  until about 2 in the afternoon. I get a boost of energy, attention … Read More

Drowsy Driving Kills!
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Drowsy driving kills. Don’t underestimate the dangers of driving while drowsy. There are three common sense tips you can implement. If you want additional information about how to prevent drowsy driving, visit AAA. Getting plenty of sleep (at least six … Read More

Practice progressive muscle relaxation to promote better sleep.
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The evidence is clear. Progressive muscle relaxation promotes better sleep. How do I practice progressive muscle relaxation? Follow these steps. Tense your toes for about 5 seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Tense your calves for about 5 seconds … Read More

Blow bubbles to sleep better.
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Blowing bubbles is relaxing. Blowing bubbles is like deep breathing for some. Blowing bubbles is a way to blow off steam. When you blow off steam, you are more relaxed. If you are more relaxed, then you are likely to … Read More

Moisture Before Going To Bed
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Living in Chicago has taught me to moisturize my skin before going to bed, especially in the winter. Nothing feels worse that waking yourself up because of dry, itchy skin. Scratching while sleeping disrupts sleep for many. The solution is … Read More

Don’t Shift Your Schedule for Short Trips.
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Frequent travelers, it’s time to conquer our worst enemy: jet lag. All trips are not equal. Don’t shift your schedule for short trips. A short trip is less than 48 hours. Sleep Tip #126: Don’t Shift Your Schedule for Short … Read More

Tranquil color soothe you to sleep.
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We respond to color. Stop signs and firetrucks are red. Yield signs and school buses are yellow. Safety garments are orange. The color of your bedroom makes a difference. Try a relaxing color for you. Try a matte finish not … Read More

Which mattress do I select?
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Mattress buying is no longer easy. There are all types of mattresses and far too many ways to buy a mattress. You can go online and have a mattress delivered to you. Or you can go to a mattress specialty … Read More

Eat a candlelight dinner.
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Treat yourself and a loved one. You don’t have to eat by candlelight every night. But you do want eat slow, savor what you eat and drink. For many around the world, dining is a pleasure and not a task … Read More

Try Cat Cow Yoga before bed.
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Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. Be careful if you have neck or back pain. Sleep Tip #122: Try Cat Cow Yoga Pose before bed.

Weighted blanket promotes relaxation.
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Dog lovers know that snug blankets make dogs less anxious. What about heavy blankets? It seems as if some are entrepreneurs are suggesting that a heavy blanket also reduces our anxiety as humans. Less anxiety = greater sleep. One company … Read More

Use an eyemask.
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Eyemasks work for many. Light interrupts out ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Anything that blocks out the light will help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Darkness promotes sleep. Melatonin is the hormone which causes you to feel … Read More

Cool Your Brain To Fall Asleep Faster
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In one study, patients with diagnosed insomnia were fitted with a cap that circulated cool water around their head. Guess what happened? They fell asleep faster than the insomnia patients who did not wear the cool water caps. This research … Read More

Forget the Cold Shower, Take a Warm Shower To Promote Sleepiness
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What are the benefits of taking a warm shower before bed besides being easier to share a bed with the one you love? The following are a list of benefits of a warm shower: Lowers body tension Relaxes muscles. Reduces … Read More

Hide Your Clock!
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Clocks are great for telling time. Clocks are handy for waking up on time. But being able to see your clock while in you’re in the bed causes these problems: Upsets you if you have not fallen asleep soon enough. … Read More

Do you practice the 2 S method for better sleep?
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Sleep + Sex = 2 S Method. Only use your bed for sleeping and sex. Nothing else. Why? If you work in the bed, study in the bed, entertain in the bed, and toss -n- turn in the bed, then … Read More

Do You Suffer from Orthosomnia?
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Knowing our numbers is good. Tracking our habits is also admirable. Yet, worrying about our numbers all the time and self-diagnosing ourselves is a bit dangerous. Imagine that your sleep tracker reports you are not getting enough sleep or not … Read More

Soothing Sounds Deepen Sleep
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Deep sleep or slow wave sleep is not only restorative but is key to memory consolidation. This is especially true among the 55 plus crowd. The 55 plus crowd generally experiences a bit less deep or slow wave sleep. Try … Read More

Little help from my friends
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Trying to achieve any goal-big or small in life is often easier with a little help from our friends. There are not many support groups for those desiring to sleep better. Yet, one group I stumbled upon that runs a … Read More

Break Up Long Drives to Save Lives
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Car insurance rates are skyrocketing because of distracted driving (put that device down) and drowsy driving. Both of these accidents are 100% preventable. Both require discipline and CARING. You must care about yourself, your family and others. During the summer, … Read More

Pillows make the difference
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As a public speaker/trainer on the road talking about sleep, burnout and performance, I know the difference that a great pillow makes. At home, I can control what type of pillow I have. In a hotel, I cannot. After a … Read More

Linen makes the difference for better sleep.
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Performance bedding is the next hot thing in sleep technology. I recognized how important it is to have the right bed sheets to sleep comfortably growing up in DC and living many years in New Orleans. There is nothing worse … Read More

Feng Shui for Better Sleep.
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Feng Shui is the discipline and practice of placement of furniture and objects in your living space designed to promote positive feelings and experiences. There are a  host of tips from Feng Shui about the ideal placement of your bed … Read More

Decorate your bedroom with photos of nature.
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Get back in touch with your natural self. Images and photos of nature enable you to get in touch with your natural rhythms. Sleep is rhythmic. Putting a photo of nature in your bedroom will cue you to get back … Read More

Regular Sleep Promotes Creativity
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“Burn the midnight” oil is advice that students and those engaged in project work often hear. Ignore it. A study in the Journal of Interior Design found that regular sleep is associated with the maintenance of creativity. A sleep schedule … Read More

Know the difference between sleepy and tired.
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Is this guy sleep or tired? How do you know? I would bet  my money on tired not sleep. Look at these tell tale signs of tired or fatigue. He looks “spent.” He appears to be “out of steam.” He … Read More

When you’re sleepy at night, go to bed.
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Do you listen to your body? Most of us don’t unless we experience a LOT of PAIN. If you’re body is telling you that it is sleep, then go to bed except if the following apply: It is 5-6 hours … Read More

Wake up at the ideal time to feel refreshed.
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Do you want to feel refreshed and alive upon awakening? Sleep calculator is an online resource that may help you determine what time you should go to be to wake up feeling refreshed. You don’t have to use a high … Read More

Stop workplace bullying to sleep better!
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Bullying does not end at school. Bullies often do well in school and end up in the workplace. The targets of workplace bullying suffer a lot of physical, psychological and career harm. They also suffer from sleep disturbances. If you … Read More

Lock out the singing birds and light to stay asleep during the Spring.
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After long winters, many of us can’t wait for Spring. Longer days. Shorter nights. Warmer temperatures. Yet, others suffer from allergies and feel fatigued. Even after adjusting for Daylight Savings Time with the clock going forward one hour, there are … Read More

Up your social standing by embracing healthy sleep
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I am sure you’ve heard the expression…Keep Up with the Jones’s. This means that many of us seek social approval from folks we know and even strangers. We may buy a nice car, big house, snazzy bling, or the latest … Read More

Sounds for Sleep
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If noise can keep us awake, then it makes sense that right sounds can help us fall asleep. Researchers have found that the sound of waves and water falls help us fall asleep. Try it out. Sleep Tip #112: Listen … Read More

Tidy Up to Sleep
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Clutter clouds your thinking.Clutter saps your energy. Clutter can also disrupt your sleep. Tidy up your desk. Tidy up your bedroom. Tidy up your bed. Clear out all that stuff that is distracting or over-stimulating. Sleep Tip #101: Tidy up … Read More

Rethink your job or career.
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Many of us are stuck or seeming stuck in jobs or careers that are not good for us. They add to our negative energy, stressed out feelings, sad moods, and rob of us a great night sleep. Before automatically saying, … Read More

Write a “To Do” List Before Bed.
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Make it easy on yourself by jotting down what you have to do the next day. Stop trying to remember all of the responsibilities and tasks you must attack the next day. Better yet…get a notebook and a pen/pencil and … Read More

Try the thumb technique.
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There are special points in the body which promote sleep when pressed gently but firmly. Author of Sound Asleep, The Expert Guide To Sleeping Well Dr Chris Idzikowski advises there are special parts of the body which promote sleep when pressed … Read More

Picture yourself in a happy place.
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Do you ever have one of those nights when you just can’t get to sleep? Or maybe you wake in the early hours of the morning and can’t get back to sleep? A commonly used way to fall asleep is … Read More

Tell yourself “I will not sleep” to sleep.
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Would you believe that you can trick yourself into falling asleep? Yes. There is a technique in which you do one of the following below and you may find that you will actually fall asleep easier. Why? Many of us … Read More

Inhale through your left nostril.
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Breath promotes relaxation. Relaxation induces sleep. Focusing on our breath clears our head. A clear head induces sleep. Try this Yoga Technique to help you fall asleep. Put your finger on your right nostril so that you cannot breathe in … Read More

Go to bed hungry…but not starving!
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  Should I go to bed on an empty stomach? No, unless you want your stomach to growl and grumble. Should I go to bed full? No, unless you want your body to be busy digesting your food while you’re … Read More

Sooth yourself to sleep by listening to ambient music.
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Lullabies lull little babies to slumber away. For adults, music…not all types can also lull us to sleep. Ambient music has tones which most will find soothing, relaxing and sleep inducing. There are many artists but one of my favorites … Read More

Resist the pharmaceuticalization of sleep.
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Sleep is natural. Sleep is normal. Drug induced sleep sounds a bit odd. Sleep meds have their place but in many cases, you know how to sleep. You were born with the gift of knowing how to sleep. The problem … Read More

Is Your Biological Alarm System Working?
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I felt like a tennis ball being bounced back and forth in a tennis match with 7 not 2 players during one of the more significant, impactful meetings of my life. Nearly 8 years of work came down to a … Read More

Get Sleep Smart
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Looking back at my time as a student in elementary school, middle school, high school and college, I don’t remember a single lesson about sleep. I do remember at times feeling afraid that if I fell asleep in class that … Read More

Take a 20-30 minute nap if you have a rough night sleeping
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There are times when you know that you may not sleep well throughout a night due to a very stressful day. One such day for me was when I sat before my hearing for Full Professor. I not only obsessed … Read More

BIG life events will disturb your sleep
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BIG LIFE EVENTS will disturb your sleep without a doubt for most of us including me. The night before I went to my hearing for Full Professor I expectedly tossed and turned most of the night. I accepted the reality … Read More

Seek Professional Help To Sleep Better
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The DIY (Do It Yourself) movement has some pluses and minuses. One plus is that DIY saves you money. A negative is that DIY often wastes a time especially if you are figuring out something for the first time. Go … Read More

Epsom Salt Bath…Soothes & Sedates
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My massage therapist suggested that I take an Epsom salt bath to relieve my lower back pain. I’ll try almost anything once. I tried it…loved it!!! I felt sedated and soothed while I was taking the bath and for a … Read More

Love Your Coffee But Not Before Going to Bed
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Caffeine has been shown to minimise the effects of sleep loss on performance and alertness. However, caffeine may also have negative repercussions for recovery sleep, particularly during the daytime. Finally, non-restorative sleep was associated with an interaction between increased caffeine … Read More

Superstar Rests in Basketball…Do you?
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There is a controversy in professional sports today especially basketball. Some coaches are having their money making, fan dazzling superstars sit out a game or two to enable them to rest, recover and recuperate. This also helps those players who … Read More

Just say “No” or “Not Now”
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I must confess that I chose not to say “no” or “not now” and regretted this decision. Why? Because I beat myself up at night and promised myself that I would never do that again. Free yourself from regret. Set … Read More

Talk it over before fretting about it in bed.
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Troubling stuff happens. Our days are not always joyful. We often feel as if nothing went right. This is normal. This expected. Don’t fret about in the bed. Instead, talk about it with a trusted friend or family member. Clear … Read More

Did you do something that brought you joy today?
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Joy cannot be bought. Joy cannot be borrowed. Joy arises from experiences. We create experiences in our lives. Or experiences find us if we are alert, open and receptive. Be sure to do something joyful each day. And when you … Read More

Value You By Taking Time To Be Alone
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Fast. Efficient. Do more with less. Next move. Pause….value you by taking time to be alone. As you take this time, re-evaluate your goals. Commit to living your life aligned with your deep, internal goals not societal, work, family or … Read More

Anchor sleep if you are shift worker.
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At a recent lecture I was giving, I spoke with an ED physician who told me that he can function as a physician by anchoring his sleep. What is anchor sleep? You simply make sure that you get X number … Read More

Lessen back pain while sleeping…pillow placement matters!
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Some of us are back sleepers, others are side sleepers. While others are stomach sleepers. Yet, many of us rotate positions throughout the night. If you are a side sleep and want to lessen back pain, you may want to … Read More

Back Sleepers…A Properly Placed Pillow May Make a Difference!
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Over the past week, I have had a wake up call to pay more attention to my body, mind and spirit. What? Acute back pain has gotten my attention. To lessen the pain while sleeping, I remember my orthopedic surgeon … Read More

Treat everyday like a holiday.
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Do you sleep better on vacation or on holiday? If you do, you’re not alone. Most of us do. Why? We allow ourselves to put sleep higher up on the list of our priorities. Sleep Tip #76: Treat every day … Read More

Get in sync with your biological clock
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We are pretty much hardwired to be a morning or evening person. The key to self regulation and performance is not to fight your hardwired type but to try to design your life to get in sync with your biological … Read More

Daylight Savings Time May Drain Your Life Satisfaction
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The first week after Daylight Savings Time has many effects including a drain on life satisfaction. To counteract that effect, focus on the small things in life. Allow yourself to enjoy little things such as a warm cup of coffee, … Read More

Educate Yourself about Sleep by Reading A Great Book on Sleep!
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Educate yourself about sleep. There a growing number of books ranging from more academic books to almost books of creative nonfiction Sleep Tip #73: Educate yourself about sleep by reading a great book on sleep.

Are you conditioning yourself to lie awake in the bed?
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Many us condition ourselves to stay awake in the bed even when we desire to go to sleep. To break this habit of learned arousal, limit yourself to lying in the bed for no longer than 20 minutes. If you … Read More

Align Your Spine When Sleeping on Your Slide
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The best sleep position is one in which the normal cervical curve is maintained. According to one study, many pillows on the market are too high when lying on you back and too low when lying on your side while … Read More

Does your employer pay you to sleep?
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Does your employer pay you to sleep? Aetna does. How does this work? At Aetna, if employees using their Fitbits can show that they got 20 nights of sleep for seven hours or more in a row, then they get … Read More

Night Owls Do Worse than Morning Larks When Daylight Savings Time Arrives
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Night owls take longer to adjust to Daylight Savings Time than Morning Larks. The good news is that it is the exact opposite at the end of Daylight Savings Time. Are you a Night Owl or Morning Lark? If you … Read More

Make gradual shifts as needed…for Daylight Savings Time
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Daylight savings time is only one week away. You will lose one hour of sleep because you will set your clock one hour ahead of time at 2am on Daylight Savings Time. Your body is a rhythmic machine. Set your … Read More

Take A Nap To Reduce Sleepiness and Boost Cognitive Performance
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Naps limited to 5-15 minutes will reduce sleepiness and improve your cognitive performance. Longer naps (over 30 minutes) do not yield the same benefits. Sleep Tip #67: Take a nap to reduce sleepiness and boost cognitive performance.

Apps Help with Better Sleep
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Apps come in all sizes and shapes. If you wish to sleep better, check out the thousands of app focusing on sleep. How do you know which app is the best? Use these criteria to select an app. Reviews Evidence … Read More

Connect Your Sleep Tracker to Cognitive Behavior Therapy
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Self monitoring is an important skill to change any behavior. Yet, self monitoring alone rarely drives the desired change. If you own a tracker such as Fitbit or Jawbone, I want to thank you for beginning your journey. If you … Read More

Switch to non-caffeinated beverages 4-6 hours before bedtime
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Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world. It is available in all types of food and drinks…not just coffee, tea and chocolate. People love the taste and the performance boosting effects. As you age, you are … Read More

Know Your Numbers To Determine the Quality of Your Sleep
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Doctors recommend that to stay healthy you should know your numbers. What do they mean? They mean your blood pressure, your sugar level, and your cholesterol level. What about sleep health? The advice is the same. Know your numbers. Below … Read More

Partner with HR To Support Healthy Sleep at Work
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Does your workplace have a policy on sleep? Does your boss model great sleeping behaviors? Are you fearful how your boss will react if you don’t respond to your boss’s email at 2 in the morning? Sleep Tip #61: Partner … Read More

When should I go to bed?
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Knowing when to go to bed is essential to getting your recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night. How does it work? If you want to get up at 6am, then simply count backwards 7-9 hours. This would be 10-11pm … Read More

Don’t Sit Up in Bed…If You Wake Up at Night
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You probably did not know that if you sit up in the bed after waking up in the middle of the night that your heart beat will beat faster. Ideally, your heart beat needs to be lower than 60 to … Read More

The more you know about sleep, the better you may sleep
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  The more you now about sleep, the better you may sleep. Knowledge is power. To learn more about sleep, visit the National Sleep Foundation site. Sleep Tip #58: Sleep knowledge is power.

Exercise regularly to promote better sleep!
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  There are few quick fixes in life. This holds true for the relationship between exercise and sleep. Regular exercise is good for sleep. You also know that if you don’t sleep well that it is more challenging to exercise … Read More

Stop Shining That Light In My Eyes
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Bright light in the middle of the night can reset your biological clock. If you use the bathroom at night, use a night light near the floor. Shining a bright light in your eyes will cause you to awaken. Sleep … Read More

Is election stress disorder robbing your sleep?
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    Many across the globe, including myself, seem to be suffering from psychologists are naming “election stress disorder.” The key is to unplug from the media. One of my good friends offered me some great advice, “Marty, stop watching … Read More

Rethink working from home to destress and sleep better!
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  Working from home as its ups and downs. On the upside, you can enjoy freedom and flexibility. On the down side, a recent study found that you may experience greater stress and less sleep. If you choose not or … Read More

Camping Resets Your Biological Clock for Better Sleep!
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A researcher discovered that one of the benefits of camping, even for a week, is to sleep better. How? Camping resets your biological clock to the rhythm of nature. When it is dark, you feel sleepy. When it is light, you … Read More

Sound proof your bedroom with thick carpeting.
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What’s wrong with this photo?   If you pointed to the fact that there is no thick carpet but only a throw rug on a hardwood floor, then you made a great guess. Hardwood floors are the rage among designers … Read More

Keep Cool with Cotton Sheets
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  Your sleep environment makes a difference. If you are hot and sticky, then falling and staying asleep will be a struggle. Fall asleep easier and stay asleep by using cotton sheets. Cotton is a natural fiber. Go organic with … Read More

Advocate for a Workplace Healthy Sleep Program..The Third Pillar of Health
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Worksite wellness and health promotions have been around for years. Since the ACA, they are now more popular than ever. Does your wellness program include anything about sleep? Probably not. But it should. Sleep is the third pillar of health … Read More

Be Real
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Study after study has shown that lack of sleep and lack of quality sleep results in lower on the job performance and productivity. You may be the exception to this general conclusion but if you are the average person…you are … Read More

If you must read to unwind, read fiction.
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  For some of us, to unwind we read. This is OK. Do not read anything that will upset you or make your stimulated. Fiction is better for sleep than non-fiction. Non-fiction can you work up and prevent you from … Read More

Did you say “sleep naked?”
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YES!!! Sleeping naked has a number of benefits from higher confidence, less stress, and better sleep. It makes sense. You are truly free. You can don’t have to fight with your bed clothes. Sleep Tip #47: Sleep naked for better … Read More

Laughter Therapy Works!
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  The laughter therapy group received 1 h of laughter therapy once a week for 4 weeks. Our study demonstrated that depression, insomnia and sleep quality improved in the laughter therapy group, while they worsened or showed no significant change in … Read More

Do You Suffer from the “First Night Effect”?
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If you travel and spend the night in a strange place in a strange bed. Guess what? You will not sleep as well. No surprise. Sleep experts call this the “first night effect.” We are hardwired to be vigilant in … Read More

Sleep Improvement: Do You Deserve To Sleep Like A Baby!
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You deserve to sleep like a baby. Add sleep to your self-improvement list. After all, many of us have learning new skills on our list, eating healthier on our list, and working out more no our list. Why not sleeping … Read More

Do you have a sleep coach?
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There are coaches for nearly every goal. The Veterans Administration launched a sleep coaching program. The coaching participants slept more and spent more time in bed sleeping. When shopping for a sleep coach, make sure that they are trained. A … Read More

Sleep on It: Everything Will Be Better in the Morning…More Beautiful!
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Sleep on it: Everything will be better in the morning. If you are like most folks, you may remember your grandmother giving you this advice before bedtime. Everything will not be better, but sleep does make you look a bit … Read More

Sleep On It: Everything Will Be Better in the Morning…
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Sleep on it: Everything will be better in the morning. If you are like most folks, you may remember your grandmother giving you this advice before bedtime. Everything will not be better, but sleep does promote brain cell growth and … Read More

Sleep On It: Everything Will Be Better in the Morning…Alertness Enhancer
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Sleep on it: Everything will be better in the morning. If you are like most folks, you may remember your grandmother giving you this advice before bedtime. Everything will not be better, but you will be MORE ALERT! Lack of … Read More

Sleep on It: Everything Will Be Better in the Morning…Overnight Therapy
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Sleep on it: Everything will be better in the morning. If you are like most folks, you may remember your grandmother giving you this advice before bedtime. Sleep will help you work out your emotional stuff. Sleep…enough and high quality…not … Read More

Sleep on It: Everything Will Be Better in the Morning…To Boost Your Memory!
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Sleep on it: Everything will be better in the morning. If you are like most folks, you may remember your grandmother giving you this advice before bedtime. Sleep won’t make everything better but it will improve your memory. Over more … Read More

Sleep on It: Everything Will Be Better in the Morning…Creative Problem Solving
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Sleep on it: Everything will be better in the morning. If you are like most folks, you may remember your grandmother giving you this advice before bedtime. Sleep won’t make everything better but it will enhance creative problem solving. We … Read More

Yoga is great for sleep quality!
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  One study showed that the more you practice yoga in minutes and the longer you practice yoga over time that you reap the following benefits. Feeling rested in the morning. Falling asleep faster (associated with the more minutes spent … Read More

Qi Cong…A Physical Way to Sleep Smoother
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We all want ways to sleep smoother. Smoother sleep means falling asleep faster and staying asleep.Meditative movement is a great way to sleep smoother. Qi Cong are exercises from Asia which benefit the body, the mind, and the spirit…and our … Read More

Do you Tai Chi for better sleep?
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Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese martial art. Benefits include defense, greater mobility, and better sleep. Sleep Tip #35: Practice Tai Chi Chuan for better mobility and better sleep.

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Exercise is good for conditioning. Exercise is good for strengthening. And exercise is good for relaxing. The exercises known to promote relaxation and high quality sleep are Tai Chi, Qi Cong, and Yoga.   Sleep Tip #34: Meditative movement such … Read More

Is the a nature sleep connection?
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  One study found that those who are exposed to nature suffer sleep more than 6 hours per night. Seeing green in nature makes a positive difference in the amount and quality of your sleep. Sleep Tip #33: Get exposure … Read More

Am I not paid fairly? Less money and less sleep.
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Are you stressed out because you are not paid fairly? If so, you are not alone. You have four options if you aren’t paid fairly. Ask for more money. Cut back on how much you work (without getting fired). Look … Read More

Hide Your Phone!
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In a Bank of America study, almost three out of four (71%) of Americans with or next to their smartphone. Even worse…one out of four (23%) have fallen asleep with their smartphone in their hands. The statistics are even greater … Read More

Multitasking vs. Monotasking: The Battle for Your Sleep
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Multi-tasking is praised as a way to get more stuff done. Multi-taskers believe they are more efficient. If you wish to fall asleep faster, which is also a measure of efficiency, then put a halt to multi-tasking before bed. Focus … Read More

Is the news keeping you up at night?
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News! News! News! 365/24/7. Is the news keeping you up at night? Most news stimulates you. Most news upsets you emotionally. Stimulation is the enemy of sleep. Sleep Tip #29: Back of watching the news 1-2 hours before falling asleep. … Read More

Sleep disturbances linger for one year after the death of a loved one
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When my dad passed away, I felt sadness and my sleep suffered. It is normal and natural for your sleep to be disturbed when a loved one dies. How long does it take for your sleep to bounce back to … Read More

Take the edge out of caregiver stress…to stress less and sleep better!
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One study found that caregivers don’t sleep enough or well enough. This same study found that if you are older, male, overloaded, and depressed that your sleep suffers even more. This study spoke to me because my dad was in … Read More

Challenge your negative sleep talk?
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When you catch your negative self talk about sleep, then pretend you are  judge and ask, “What’s the evidence?”   Other than the thought or feeling, what other facts exist to prove that your negative sleep talk is real. Sleep … Read More

Is your self-talk disrupting your sleep? Catch a thought first.
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  We all talk to ourselves. I don’t mean crazy talk. We engage in a conversation in our head about what we plan to do, what we’ve done, and what we might do. During times of stress, I may catch … Read More

The Sleep Expert…Your Pet?
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There are many different types of experts on sleep. Doctors. Psychologists. Coaches. Talk show hosts…and your pets. My dog, Monty, teaches me a lot about sleep. How so? He knows when he needs to rest, to sleep, to eat, to … Read More

Don’t Let Your Job Kill You!
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We all have to work to make a living….at least most of us. If your boss doesn’t care about your health and performance by demanding that you work too many hours or paying you so little that you have to … Read More

Blow off some steam to go to sleep faster
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Many of us go to bed “mad as hell.” Is your anger so great that you can power a train locomotive?   Sleep Tip #22: Blow off some steam if you want to fall asleep quick. If you follow these … Read More

Leveraging the most from your sleep tracker
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Do you have a sleep tracker? Garmin? Jawbone? Fitbit?   Sleep Tip #21: Use your sleep tracker not just to track your sleep but to change your sleep by following these four simple steps: Set a sleep goal first. Measure that … Read More

Time to keep a sleep health journal
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The best way to make changes in your sleep habits is to learn more about your current sleep behaviors. In your journal, keep track of the following sleep behaviors: Go to bed Fall asleep Wake up Get out of bed … Read More

7 Hours or More is the Magic Number!
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Gamblers praise a “Lucky 7.” This is also the magic number for sleep. If you sleep less than 7 hours each night, then you are at higher risk of the following: Obesity High blood pressure Diabetes Heart disease Frequent mental … Read More

Is your cold stealing your sleep?
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Is your cold stealing your sleep? For most people, the answer is YES. Accept that when you have a cold that you will not sleep as well. This is natural. It is also frustrating. Sleep Tip #18: Minimize the frustration … Read More

Now Is The Time
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  My father is in hospice. I visited him at hospice for a few days and then had to return home. I knew this may be the last time with him. I paused. I let him know how much I care. … Read More

Great Sleep Begins with Inner Peace
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Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a day of reflection for us all. One great lesson that Dr. King can teach all of us is to go to bed … Read More

Hang Out With Folks Who Value Your Sleep
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  As a teenager, I learned a valuable lesson. What? Hang out with folks who show they care about you. Do others in your life care about you and your sleep life? They should. The quality of your life depends … Read More

Stop Bragging
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  Not getting enough sleep is not a badge of honor. Challenge yourself to stop bragging about how much sleep you do not get. Research shows that not getting enough sleep has a negative impact on work and school performance. … Read More

Digital Detox: Three Simple Steps…Step Three
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If you can’t follow the first two steps, then move to the third step. Schedule a time to unplug by setting an alarm or some other cue. Turn on the “Do Not Disturb” functionality. The third step is to kick … Read More

Digital Detox: Three Simple Steps…Step Two
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The first step was to set a cue to trigger you to unplug. The second step is to turn on the “do not disturb” function on your device. Use your SMART phone to help you sleep. If you really need … Read More

Digital Detox: Three Simple Steps…Step One
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There are three steps to a successful digital detox. This post focuses on the FIRST STEP.   Far too many of us check our devices in the bed…right before trying to fall asleep. Bad move! Checking our devices keeps us … Read More

Do you sleep more like a dolphin, lion, bear or wolf?
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You have a daily preference for when you wake up, when you eat, when it is best to work on demanding tasks, and when to go bed. Dr. Michael Breus in his book, The Power of When, describes four different … Read More

Behavior Change Begins One Step At A Time
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    You now know it takes the average person 66 days to change a habit. To succeed, choose one behavior to change. Never choose more than 2 behaviors at a time. Below is a list of some behaviors you … Read More

66 Days to Change a Health Behavior…Including A Sleep Behavior
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    Reality check…behavior change does not happen overnight. In fact, behavior change takes some time but not forever. A research study found that the average person takes 66 days to change a health behavior. 66 days is the average. … Read More

The Magic Is Behavior Change not Technology!
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    The annual Consumer Electronic Show (CES) is underway right now in the City that never sleeps…Las Vegas. The National Sleep Foundation for the first time has partnered with the CES to showcase technological solutions to sleeping better. “New technology … Read More

Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting: Impact on Sleep
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Tragedies…both natural and man-made are disturbing. Horrific events occur from time to time in our lives. It’s natural to feel very strong emotions. These intense emotions may even make it difficult to go to sleep or stay asleep. This is … Read More

Unplug To Recharge
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France is getting serious about work/life balance. France passed a law requiring a 35-hour workweek a couple of years ago. On January 1st, French law requires companies to limit email after work for companies with 50 or more employees. The … Read More

Is Sleep a Top Priority in Your Life?
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We sleep almost one third of our entire life. If you live to be 90, then this means that would have slept 30 years. Sleep has to be important. Sleep has to have some value. Sleep is a biological priority. … Read More

Change Begins with Honesty…With Self?
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Do not fool yourself into believing that you can be fully engaged and high performing if you “get by on 4-5 hours of sleep.” About one in three Americans are getting six or less hours a sleep each night according … Read More

Begin with Why
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Your health, performance, relationships and joy depend upon a lot…including how much and how well you sleep. Over the next 364 days, I will offer a tip a day to help you achieve two goals. Sleep enough (about 7-9 hours … Read More

Why offer you a sleep tip a day for the next 365 days?
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Purpose is a guiding force in the lives of many. Things get done when folks are connected to a purpose. Energy appears when there is a purpose. A sense of accomplishment occurs when a purpose enables us to achieve our … Read More